Instagram: Despampanante mujer XXL enamora a internautas con su figura [FOTOS]

La bella modelo inglesa Iskra Lawrence que saltó a la fama con fotos en bikini donde aparece con celutitis, volvió a ser noticia en Instagram. La sexy mujer publicó una galería de fotos de su vida diaria y sorprendió a más de uno.  
LEE MÁS: Modelo inglesa XXL conmociona mostrándose con celulitis y sin retoques [FOTOS y VIDEOS]   La bella modelo vistió ropas que usa durante el día en su casa y fuera de ella. En una de las fotos de su Instagram aparece con un buzo deportivo color rojo después de sus actividades deportivas.   En otro foto más casual,  aparece con un pijama a rayas y un polo blanco para disfrutar de una maratón de películas o una tarde de  biblioteca en casa. La hermosa modelo resalta por su belleza en Instagram.   Sin embargo, uno de sus trajes favoritos es un vestido jean de color azul y unas zapatillas para salir a caminar por la ciudad. Esa singular foto tiene más de 166 mil 'me gusta' en Instagram y miles de comentarios.  
MIRA TAMBIÉN: Jennifer Lopez revela el secreto para obtener un buen trasero [VIDEO]   La modelo de nacionalidad inglesa es colaboradora en la revista Self Magazine y fundadora del sitio web 'Runway Riot' hecho para mujeres de todas las tallas y medidas. La linda modelo tiene 26 años y es fanática de JLO.  

Fave view of LA??in fave fit from @fashionnova (it's called the tennis set)

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25 de Ago de 2017 a la(s) 7:06 PDT



Today: @aerie #aeriereal bodysuit & silk bottoms (coming ) #Raggedpriest denim jacket

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@bfa Wearing: @lulus dress #louboutin heels @tai_jewelry #revolveinthehamptons

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@fashionnova bomber By @gavinglave #NOretouching #everyBODYisbeautiful

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YASSSSS @instagram love the new multiple image features. I've been reading a few of your comments saying I've lost weight & need to stop working out erm no. First off our bodies are allowed to fluctuate its natural, and also no one else has the right to tell you what to do with your body. That's why it's called yours. I try to look after my body as best as I can because it's my home I love & respect it and it's the only one I got for hopefully a long time so I invest in caring for it. Also ANGLES ANGLES ANGLES!!! now I can demonstrate in three photos taken exactly the same time in the same @aerie swim right next to each other... you can see how in the second I look less thick than the third poses can change a lot! I created #everyBODYisbeautiful and want to encourage a non judgemental positive community where we empower each other with positivity. I'm glad I feel completely comfortable posting photos like this with you all. No makeup, or retouching and in my swim which when I think about it is kinda crazy that 3.2million of you can see me in my swimwear and it doesn't make me feel insecure. I love posting pics celebrating this body I have & I love seeing communities online where woman & men feel free to share their pics & are doing it because THEY want to. Finally for anyone whose not comfortable looking at these pics or posting their own photos in swimwear or lingerie I get it. It's not for everyone & no one should ever feel pressure to do it. And especially not for social validation, likes or follows. Our bodies are magical and imperfectly perfect but they do not define us and we are so much more than just the way we look. Thanks for reading this honestly love sharing each day with you all sending you all love & hugs xoxo

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